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Some of the links on this page may be affiliate links, and I will make a small amount of money when you click on them, or buy the product. I have not been paid to review any products, nor have I been given any products for free in exchange for a review, and any affiliate links that may be present will not change the price you pay for an item.

Monday, August 12, 2013

Update on Sasha the Shape Shifting Cat

Any of my blog readers who have been around for a bit will remember that earlier this year I'd tried to fund illustration and publishing costs for my children's book Sasha the Shape Shifting Cat through Kickstarter. While that was ultimately unsuccessful in being funded, I did note that I would continue to find other ways to get it illustrated and published.

I just received word from the awesome people at The Story Shack that they've accepted my story, and are going to pair me with an illustrator, as well as put up the resulting story on their website. While this does not involve any sales, payments, or publication in any of the traditional senses, what's most important at this time is the combination of illustration and marketing that this represents. After going through the process, I will have more information about when and where it will be available, and also possibly other publication avenues that may open as a result of this excellent opportunity.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

So, you think you want to write a book ...

I've been doing a lot of hemming, and hawing, about writing a book. Some days I feel charged, and inspired, and I write a lot. Other days, I feel defeated, and it's hard to motivate on those days. Like a lot of my readers, I suspect, I have a thousand ideas floating in my head, and focusing enough to get them written down and polished to a high gloss shine is a real challenge.

To combat some of the pitfalls of writing, I do an awful lot of reading and research, not just about my writing topics but also about the art, craft, and science of writing. Today, I came across an article on about the 9 steps to self-publishing a book, and in that 9-step system is a link to six ways that a writer can get started. I read through it, and I think they forgot maybe the most important piece of advice ... READ!

It's a little bit of a forgotten step, I think, but if you are a writer and are stuck, or having a hard time motivating, I've always found it helps tremendously to go back and remind myself about what's possible. It's certainly a great idea to sit down with a book or three, in the same genre as is your writing, but don't forget to also read great books regardless of the genre. Grab Tolkien and Herbert and Dickens, sit down with Joyce and Fitzgerald and Steinbeck, get a cup of coffee with Hemmingway and Heinlein and Nabakov. Sometimes, I realize, reading some of the great novels can feel intimidating ("I can't write like that!"), but it is still worthwhile. I can't write like Hemmingway, nor do I want to. I don't want critics and reviewers to pick up my book, read it, say to themselves "eh, just another Hemmingway knockoff," then never read another of my pieces again. Instead, I want them to read it, write things like "who is the next Bacil Donovan Warren? Is there another author like him out there?" and enjoy my writing for what I bring, not for how much it is like Nabakov's writing.

And that, dear readers, is often quite motivating. So if you find yourself stuck, having a tough day of writing, maybe try sitting down with your dog-eared copy of Dune or For Whom the Bell Tolls, and you might just find the spark that's been eluding you!